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Tips for Starting a Detoxification Cleanse

People use a variety of detoxification cleanses to remove toxins from their systems, boost metabolism, and move towards a healthier diet. If you are considering one, the idea of not eating solid food for ten days can be daunting, and your system can take quite a shock from it. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare:

1. You don't have to be by the book. If you're approaching a busy week or you just don't think you can not eat for over a week, eat fruits and vegetables. The fiber in them will support the detox, provide you with some extra energy, and they will help fill your stomach.

2. Be positive. Often when we start something along the lines of a diet, we get upset with ourselves for every little rule we break. As you cleanse your system, instead think about all of the good things you are doing: you're pulling toxins out, you're cutting out a lot of foods for a few days that slow down your system, etc. Even just cutting out too much coffee is a boost for your overall health. Giving yourself a few healthy days, even if it's not an entire detox-focused day, is still really great for your body.

3. Don't do it to lose weight. Weight loss should occur over time. If you starve yourself for ten days, you will gain all the weight right back. If weight is your goal, think about ways to cut out unhealthy items in your diet and replace them with healthy things, one item at a time.

A cleanse is difficult, but it definitely gives your body a boost. Keep moderation in mind as you tackle your venture!