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Tips from a Pig Part Three

On motivating people: “Mr. Pomeroy was a robin and the head of the ABI: the Animal Bureau of Investigation. Freddy put him to work at once on “What I call,” Freddy said, “The Case of the Vanishing Martian.” He always gave a name like the title of a mystery story to any case he wanted Mr. Pomeroy to work on, because then the robin felt that his work was more important. And Freddy always said that people do their best if they think what they’re doing is important.”
- Freddy and the Baseball Team From Mars

Who knew that a pig could pack so much wisdom? But one porker – Freddy – is a gold-mine of tips about life and people and getting by with grace. Freddy is fictional, of course, the creation of the late Walter R. Brooks. The 26 books in his ‘Freddy the Pig’ series are a treasure trove – not only of tips – but of great storytelling, too. The enduring value of the series is such that Freddy has his own fan club – ‘Friends of Freddy’. Overlook Press, which has reprinted the series, has also released a small tome entitled The Wit and Wisdom of Freddy (and his Friends).