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Tips on Avoiding Yellowjacket Stings

Yellowjackets are a particularly aggressive type of bee, and their stings can be extremely irritating. They are particularly hungry and aggressive in the fall, but you can avoid being stung if you're careful! Here, RESCUE! pest traps offers tips on avoiding these nasty little insects.

Tips to avoid painful yellowjacket stings:

1) Stay calm. Don’t swat at a yellowjacket or flail around. This just makes them more aggressive.

2) Look before sipping. Yellowjackets love sugary sodas and sweet beverages and could hover around straws, bottles or even in soda cans.

3) Keep trash covered and away from outdoor activities, such as barbecues and picnics.

4) Avoid smashing or crushing a yellowjacket – doing so causes them to release an alarm pheromone that calls others to attack.

5) Be bland. Avoid using scented perfumes, lotions or hairspray, or wearing bright colors as these all attract yellowjackets.

What to do if stung:

1) Wash the area with soap and water

2) Apply cold water or an ice pack

3) Take an antihistamine to reduce swelling

4) Apply a calamine product to reduce itching

5) Don’t drink alcoholic beverages

6) Seek medical attention immediately if swelling is severe, breathing is difficult or a dizzy feeling occurs

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