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Tips on Good & Bad Foods for Arthritis

Arthritis is painful. No one likes pain. Some fear pain more than death itself. Furthermore, it affects all areas of well being, as pain can radiate beyond the physical and into a person’s social, emotional and psychological life. Coping seems impossible, as pain affects everything a person does. Dulling or numbing pain with painkillers and medication seems the only way out. If you cannot feel it, then you think you are controlling it. However, this is exactly how pain actually controls the person. A vicious cycle erupts and to live pain free or even become tolerant, means to rely on drugs. I am irked when I see commercials on TV for anti-inflammatories and pain medicines for arthritis because they don’t even begin to offer another option other than pills and, well… more pills. Not always the best, as drugs come with some rather concerning warnings and side effects.

Arthritis doesn’t just hit the elderly. In Canada, statistics say 1 in 1,000 children have juvenile arthritis.

How Food Hurts

Eating foods high in saturated fats, excess dairy, red meats, alcohol and sugar all contribute to the ouch of arthritis. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, this will leave arthritis sufferers reaching for the medicine bottle almost every time. Eating like this makes the body more acidic and higher acidity in the body creates a perfect environment for inflammation. Even some foods that are good for you are culprits for arthritic pain, including the nightshades like potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. Avoid these if you suffer from arthritis.

How Food Helps - Superfoods for Arthritis

No need to eat boring foods - try some avocado, pecans, bananas, cherries, leafy dark greens, barley, wheat germ and brewer’s yeast – all terrific foods for arthritis and inflammation. Incorporate these foods, preferably organic, into your meals whenever possible. Wheat germ and brewer’s yeast (½ -1 tablespoon) can be blended into fruit shakes and smoothies. Adding some cold-water fish or a good fish-oil supplement to your diet will also reduce inflammation and pain.

Spice Makes Everything Nice

Arthritis sufferers may find great hope in their spice cupboards with ginger. Ginger is not just a good choice for cooking. It has been regarded for it’s medicinal values for literally thousands of years. Battles were once fought for this gnarly-looking little root! Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is highly effective at reducing swelling, pain and discomfort. The bonus of using this powerful and tasty spice is that it comes with no side effects. Next time you’re hurting all over, try some ginger. And go ahead, ask any gingerbread man if he’s ever had arthritis!

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