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Tips on Keeping Your Pets Healthy & Happy at Back-to-School Time

Pets notice your schedule more than you might realize, and when it changes at back-to-school time, your furry friends might find themselves stressed out. Use these tips to keep an eye on your pets and ensure their well being, brought to you by PetPlan Pet Insurance.

1. Food for thought: Popular lunchbox favorites can prove perilous for pets. Grapes and raisins (including those baked into cookies!) can cause fatal kidney failure in dogs, while chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart problems. According to Petplan, reimbursement for food poisoning claims average $480, and some pets need treatment exceeding $4,500. So keep backpacks and lunch bags off the floor, and stow snacks safely and securely.

2. After-school activities: Pets who suddenly find themselves alone for hours on end may experience separation anxiety or become bored, so give them fun things to do during the day. Select special toys to keep brains engaged, or hide food-stuffed treats around the house. Leave a radio on so the house isn’t completely quiet, and consider doggy day care a few days a week if it fits your family budget. Socializing with other four-legged friends can perk up even the poutiest pooch!

3. Class is in session! Physical exercise is important, but pets can benefit from mental exercise, as well. Pick a new trick or two to teach your furry friend, and have the whole family work together on training him. If your pet is athletic, consider enrolling in an obedience or agility class. Your pet will enjoy the stimulation of learning something new, and the whole family will benefit from the additional time spent bonding together.

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