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Tips to Avoiding Jet Lag

The scientific name for jet lag is circadian dischronism, meaning your internal "clock" is thrown off course. Jet lag causes dehydration, exhaustion, headaches, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. The best way to avoid jet lag is to adjust to your new time zone as quickly as possible. Here are a few tips to avoiding the time-zone-crossing blues.
1) Stay hydrated! Dehydration can cause many of the symptoms of jet lag, and dry airplane air doesn't help. Drink plenty of water, tea, or fruit juices.
2) Set your watch to the correct time zone immediately. This will put you in the mindset of your new time zone and help you mentally adjust.
3) Sleep or stay up based on your new time zone. This is perhaps the most important thing you can do! If it's 10 am at your new destination, you need to try and stay up until bedtime. Even though it's exhausting, when you wake up the next morning you'll be on the correct time zone. If it's bedtime when you arrive, go to sleep right away.
4) Eat lightly. Jet lag can cause a whole host of digestive issues because your body is confused about correct mealtimes. Snack lightly and avoid big meals (we're looking at you, airplane food) until you get to your destination, then eat according to your new time zone.