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Touring in a Band? Here's Some Advice!

For musicians or performers, getting out on the road and putting your act on display is all part of the job. There's no better way to make a name for yourself than simply getting in the van and hitting the road! Here are some pointers for surviving on the road:

1. Learn to be uncomfortable. You're going to be in close, cramped, and foreign quarters for most of the time. You'll be dirty, hungry, and sick. and tired. For the first bit you'll want to go home. But then you'll get accustomed to it, and you'll have fun. Learn to live with being uncomfortable, and soon you will always be comfortable!

2. Teach yourself to sleep anywhere! Your sleep schedule is going to be thrashed. You may end up doing overnight drives, or partying all night, or partying all night and all day. Learn to catch naps whenever you can. Sometimes catching an hour of sleep is better for you than hitting up a local mall or tourist attraction during down time. Learn to sleep on the floor, that way you have a bed everywhere you go!

3. Learn to eat on the road. You will be surviving off of food coming from 7-11 and grocery stores. You may not have the means to cook (probably not), so pack a can opener and a small bag of non-perishable food. Cans of tuna are good for protein. Peanut butter and bread, nuts and seeds are also good too. You'll get sick of burgers and burritos fast!

4. Get out of your comfort zone, meet people, and have crazy adventures! Seriously, not only will you be showcasing your talents, but people will want to hang out with you. Make new friends. Explore new places. Stay safe, of course, but get a little crazy. After all, you could be at work or school instead of on the road!