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Trajectory of a Young Career Woman

“Communication is core and central to existence as we know it,” according to Ms. Chimere G. Holmes, a communications graduate of Immaculata University and recent master's theology grad of Villanova University. The young woman launched her own self-titled community talk show several years ago, which enabled her to use her flair for broadcast journalism as a catalyst for change and inspiration within her local region.

While the show went into hiatus upon Holmes' matriculation into graduate school, she plans to revitalize the program in a greater way than before. Planning to begin her next chapter in pursuit of a second master's degree at the prestigious University of Penn, Holmes shares these words of wisdom:

"Do the thing you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. I think that’s true wholeheartedly. Truth be told, with hard work, research, and perseverance, there are plenty of opportunities to generate wealth. Do what you love and everything else will fall into place."

Feel free to visit to learn more about the talk show and its trailblazing "mediapreneur."