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Ways to Make Your Alarm Clock More Effective

If you're the snooze button-hitting, throw-the-alarm-clock-across-the-room, perpetually rushing in the morning type of person, a traditional alarm might not be working for you. Try the following:

1. Hook a small heater (away from anything flammable, please!) to a timer so it heats up your room in the morning. You get uncomfortable and get up to turn the heater off.

2. Hook a lamp to a timer and have it turn on 5-10 minutes after your first alarm goes off. Make sure you have to get out of bed to turn the light off.

3. If your bedroom is attached to a bathroom, master-suite style, put your alarm clock in there and set it on extra-loud. When it goes off, you'll have to get up and walk to the bathroom to make it stop, and the hard surfaces in your bathroom will make the alarm echo and make more noise than usual.