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What Not to do in Your Teens and Early Twenties

In your teens and even well into your twenties, you will encounter advice coming from all directions. Everyone thinks they're an expert on everything, and you will most likely become a target for their expertise. Unfortunately, lots of the things you hear will be contradictory, useless, and in many cases you will be better off just ignoring it.

So what's one universal truth for the youth? What is one thing you should absolutely not do as a young adult?

Don't do nothing.

Do something. Anything.

After high school, you have your choice of paths, including school, job, military... the list goes on. But it's important that you do something. Anything. You may be in a position to take it easy off of your parents' back for a bit, but you absolutely should not. While you're sitting around, your peers are out there getting things done. Learning. Improving. And you're getting left in the dust.

So do the world a favor, and don't do nothing.