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What not to Say/Do to a Cashier

1. "Yeah girl, I'm in line buying some stuff..." In other words: ignoring the cashier completely and talking on the phone. At least acknowledge them and your final price. Pay attention to what is happening with your money.
2. "Keep the change". Just wait for me to give you your change. Keeping the change will throw off the final balance for the day. It isn't a good thing. Till has to be as accurate as possible.
3."Hold on, I know I have some change down here somewhere." Unless the store isn't busy and you're the only person in line, have your money or card ready.
4."Why can't you give me a discount?" Because that isn't how this works and giving you a discount could get me fired.
5.*throws money on register*
Not ok. I'm a person. Give me the money in my hand especially if it is change.
6."Can you give me change for this $100?" No I can't. You will clean out my entire register. Go to customer service or a bank.
**Did you know? Some smaller supermarkets (like the one I worked at for 3 months one summer ;) ) starts each register off with exactly 100 dollars in different denominations. If you are in the store early and ask for something like this you will cause more problems than you realize. ***
7. "Hold on I want to go back and get one more thing." No. NO! You're going to stand here and finish this transaction!!!
Really. This is not okay unless you're the only person in the store (and you're likely not). People are behind you waiting and I can't move on to the next customer until your transaction is complete (the system won't let me, technically). Put yourself in another person's shoes.
8. "Can I have your number?" My response? "$5.15 is your change, thank you and have a nice day."
9. "Can you come with me and show me where this is?" I can guess the aisle but you'd get better help from an employee who spends most of their time stocking shelves. And I can't leave this register. I really can't.
10."I came in here 3 hours ago and I think I left something in here."
That was 3 hours and 100 people ago. I can't even pull your receipt anymore. Read your receipt, check your bags, and make sure you have everything (meaning DON'T BE DISTRACTED by your phone) before you leave the parking lot.

**Special: don't let your very young children push stuff across the scanner. They'll likely accidentally double scan it and then I'll have to void the second item (unless you happen to have 2 of the same thing in your pile). Depending on store rules, some places make it a headache to void anything.**

Happy shopping! :)