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When Should You Replace Your Car Brakes?

Brakes need no introduction as to why they are important to your car. Without brakes, any form of transportation will not be possible. As a result, almost every car owner takes special care of their brakes. However, it is also true that with prolonged use, your brake system experiences enough wear and tear to stop working altogether.

Before this happens, it is important that you get your brakes replaced. But how do you tell whether your brakes need changing or not? Obviously, you can get them looked at when you go for your annual car servicing or an MOT test. But you can still be on the lookout for various signs that signal that your brakes need repair.

Warning Signs You Should Look For To Replace Your Car Brakes

Typically, most car manufacturers recommend replacing your brake pads every 25000 to 60000 miles and your rotors every 30000 to 70000 miles. However, it can vary on your driving style and conditions. Thus, you must heed the following warning signs to replace your car brakes Northampton when needed:

Squeaking or Squealing Coming From Brakes

When driving with worn-out brakes, you will start noticing a squeaking or squealing sound coming from your brakes. This sound is made by the grinding of worn-out brake pads against the rotors. If not repaired, your rotors will also get damaged.

Undue Grinding When Braking

Next, you can also be on the lookout for the grinding sound, as mentioned in the point above. This sound appears when you apply pressure to your brake pedals. It signifies that your brake pads need to be replaced. 

Car Vibrating When Braking

Then, you can also notice undue vibrations in your car, especially when you brake. If you find your car shaking when you press the brakes, it means there’s something wrong. Generally, it signifies that your rotors are worn out and are no longer smooth enough for the brakes to work properly. 

Your Car Takes Longer To Stop

Worn-out or damaged brakes will take much longer for the car to stop. If you find your car’s performance has deteriorated, especially when applying brakes, then it is a telltale sign that your brakes need to be looked at and or replaced. You must take your car to an automobile service shop immediately and get your brakes checked. 

Your Brake Light Comes On

This point is obvious. Today, most cars come with several warning lights installed on your dashboard. In case of any issues with your car, different lights come on. One such light is your brake pad indicator that comes on when there is some issue with your brakes. Then, there is also the ABS light. However, do note that your brake lights also come on when you apply your parking brakes. 

Your car pulls to the side

You can also experience your car pulling to one side if your brakes are faulty. Typically, when you apply your car brakes, it shouldn't affect the car’s direction or handling. Thus, when it happens, you should immediately contact a reputed car mechanic. 

Fluid leaks

If you notice leaks or fluid on your inner wheels and below your car, then it can be due to a worn-out seal, split hoses, or some other loose connections in your brakes. This will weaken your braking performance. Furthermore, you can also recognize brake fluids by their color and smell. We suggest getting your brakes checked out as soon as you notice that.

You must also check your master cylinder in case of such leaks, as it can also signify a need to change or replace your master cylinder. It is where your brake fluids are generally stored. Fluid leakage can also signify issues with your exhaust. Thus, when you go for your exhaust repair Northampton, you might as well get your car brakes inspected. 

Spongy or Soft Brake Pedal

You might also experience a soft pedal while braking. If your pedals go all the way down to the floor, then you must get your brakes replaced at the earliest. It signifies that there might be moisture in your brakes or that your master cylinder isn't functioning correctly.

Burning Smell

Lastly, if you keep smelling a burning smell, especially when applying brakes, then it might mean that your brakes or clutch have overheated and are prone to damage. If you still continue driving under such conditions, it might even lead to brake failure and a car accident. 

How to Check Brake Pads Without Removing Tyres?

You can also check your brakes at home without even removing the tyres. All you have to do is:

  • Visually Inspect Your Wheels: You must inspect your wheel walls for signs of damage. If there is visible damage, then you can go to a mechanic to take a closer look.

  • Find The Master Cylinder Under The Hood: You can also open your car hood and locate the master cylinder. It is most commonly situated at the center of the engine compartment. Open its top to check fluid levels.

  • Check The Brake Pads For Wear And Tear: Lastly, you can use your hands to feel the brake pads. Notice its thickness and make sure they are in good condition and there is no visible damage to the pads.