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Why You Should Always Have Children's Benadryl on Hand

Benadryl is highly effective in treating allergic reactions of all kinds. Adult Benadryl comes in capsule form, while children's Benadryl comes in an easier-to-swallow liquid. Even if there are only adults in your household, keep the liquid form on hand. Here's why: in the case of a severe allergic reaction (think puffing up from shellfish or swollen lymph nodes from bee stings), your body absorbs liquid medication much more quickly than it can break down a pill. An adult chugging half a bottle of liquid Benadryl can be life saving and give you enough time to get to the emergency room. When my dad found out (the hard way) that he was deathly allergic to bees, my mom gave him half a bottle of liquid Benadryl on the way to the ER. The doctors there said that, without it, his throat would probably have closed and he could have been in serious trouble. Keep it on hand!