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The primary focuses in developing Euroclad's zinc cladding systems, are both form and function. Zinc is inherently durable and corrosion-resistant by its very nature, and this makes it particularly well-suited to a wide variety of environmental exposure. Whether drenched in heavy rainfall, high-humidity conditions, and the brightest sunlight or extreme temperatures, zinc performs remarkably well, offering long-lasting protection against structural damage to buildings. This durability is particularly beneficial in coastal or industrial environments, where the building will be exposed to aggressive weather conditions and pollutants that could break down other materials. Zinc resists corrosion and degradation over time, making it a low-maintenance solution for building exteriors. With proper installation, Euroclad zinc cladding systems may remain relatively unchanged for several decades without showing much degradation, which would thereby diminish the costs of recurrent repairs and replacements and contribute generally to a building's long-run sustainability..