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Black Bean Brownies! (Low points!)

This is a fabulous tip we got at a Weight Watchers meeting! So easy!

The basic recipe is take one can of black beans and puree them. Add them to a brownie mix and bake for 35 minutes in a 350 oven! Use whatever size baking dish recommended on the brownie mix!

This recipe can be really low point due to the high fiber content of the beans! If you use the Sugar Free brownie mixes, that brings any point value down even more!

You can also have fun tweaking this recipe. I have drained the liquid from the beans first and then added Sugar Free Torani Black Cherry Syrup (in the same amount). Gives you the taste of black forest cherry! Melt some mini marshmellows on top....dust with powdered sugar....add nuts....endless possibilities! (Just make sure to calculate their points).

Use information label on beans and brownie mix to determine point value!

I have found that totally depriving myself always backfires on any weight loss program. These brownies give me the "hit" of chocolate I sometimes crave, but keeps the points reasonable!

Note! You will NOT taste the beans at all. I cannot tolerate the taste of beans, and I LOVE these, so, trust me when I say you will not taste any hint of beans!
